Spicer Consulting Group (SCG) conducts ongoing comprehensive annual administrative services for the hundreds of Special Districts formed within over 50 local agencies. Administrative services are an integral part of ensuring that Special Districts are successful from the beginning of the formation process up to the implementation and imposing of the special taxes.

We are experienced in executing detailed administrative services for local agencies related to the Special Districts that we have formed or annexed. SCGs team manages the calculation of special taxes, preparation and submittal of annual levy enrollments, annual levy reports, disclosure reports, delinquency monitoring, and property owner support calls among many other duties.

Proper calculation of annual levies is an indispensable factor as to continue the ongoing services that were outlined by the formation of the Special District; for this reason, we specialize in administering the reporting and many other administrative duties for local agencies with Special Districts.

Administration Services

  • Budget Preparation
  • Debt Service Schedule Maintenance
  • Bond Call Analysis
  • Prepare Preliminary and Final Engineer’s Reports
  • Annual Levy Enrollment
  • Tax Roll Billing
  • Delinquency Monitoring
  • Municipal Disclosure Reporting
  • Annual Report Preparation
  • Property Owner Inquiries
Partnered Local Agencies
Parcels Administered Annually
Fund Numbers
Enrolled Assessments & Special Taxes for Fiscal Year 2023-24